And...we're live
![And...we're live](/assets\images\p2-on-air.jpg)
Don’t you already have a post? You know, that “Hello World!” one?
Oh, you got me! This isn’t the first post.
BUT! It is the first one that is going directly to the universe instead of hanging out on my local machine for days while I figure out all the techie bits!
What are your techie bits?
I’m glad you asked! This site is being born using:
- Jekyll (static website generator)
- Jekyll uses Ruby and Liquid
- Jekyll also let’s you set themes! Mine is based on the free Mediumish Jekyll theme by wowthemesnet.
- Code saved in a Git repository, tucked away on GitHub
- Github action used to shoot pushed changes to a static website hosted in AWS S3 (I already had an AWS account mostly for playing with techie stuff for my previous professional incarnation.)
I think that most of the reference advice I came across while setting this up was from 2017/2018, so this is surely an outdated way to do things. But hey! I’m building and hosting it myself, which is super cool!
Bunches of love,
Mimi Whimsy
Want more info on this setup?
Leave a comment or give me a shout (so many options!) and I’ll add it to the queue!
Note: As of this moment, the queue is squeaky clean!